Died of acute hemorrhage of the stomach and intestines, near Ithaca, Gratiot Co., Mich., Nov. 27, 1885, Sr. Hattie Depeel, in the twenty-fourth year of her age. The circumstances attending her death were very sad. For about a year she had been impaired inhealth, though of late there had been no apparent change for the worse. The evening before her death she retired usually well, but was found by her mother in the morning in a dying condition, expiring soon after. Sr. D. embraced the truth last spring under the labors of Bro. I. H. Evans and the writer. From the first she had a deep love for the truth ; and an anxious desire to have her life correspond with tho life of tbe Master, characterized all her actions. She tried to communicate to others tbe truth that had so gladdened her own heart; and though no immediate fruit was seen, we trust she has sown for the reaping by and by. In her death the community lost a worthy and respected citizen, and the church an esteemed member. In the absence of any S.D.A. minister, the Methodist clergyman addressed a sympathic congregation from Ps. 16:11, after which she was laid to rest until the LIfegiver shall wake the sleeping saints.

S. M. Butler
Advent Review & Sabbath Herald
05 Jan 1886